Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Joining us by phone today is Crown CEO, Chuck Bentley. He will discuss New Year’s Resolutions, Debt Free Living and Tax Advice.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Joining us by phone today is Crown CEO, Chuck Bentley. He will discuss New Year’s Resolutions, Debt Free Living and Tax Advice.
Monday, January 11, 2016
On the show today Kerby welcomes Crime Prevention Research Center founder Dr. John R. Lott, Jr.. Lott is an economist and a world recognized expert on guns and crime. He will discuss the topic of gun control.
In the second hour we are joined in-studio by Dr. Timothy McGrew, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Western Michigan University. He discusses the Alleged Contradictions in the Gospels, a lecture that explores and answers 7 alleged contradictions between the Gospels.
Friday January 8, 2016
Welcome to our first Weekend Edition show of 2016. Kerby is joined by Penna Dexter and together they will look at all the top stories in this first week of the year. Family Research Council’s Arina Grossu joins us for a segment in which she tells us more about the latest Planned Parenthood video. In the final segment of the show, Gary Bauer, president of American Values joins us to talk about North Korea’s claim that it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
On Point of View today, Kerby welcomes Reverend Rafael Cruz, father of presidential candidate and senator, Ted Cruz. A great example of the American dream, Cruz chats about his recently released book, A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America.
Tuesday, January 6, 2016
First up on the show today, Kerby chats with Susan B. Anthony List president, Marjorie Dannenfelser. She tells us about her recent article on how The Pro-Life Movement Is Winning the Culture — And Elections.
In the last hour of the show, we hear from Gary Frazier who joins Kerby in studio and Lewis Hogan, founder of DC Cry. Both guests will speak to the issue of the role of pastors in politics.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
In the first hour of the show today, Kerby speaks with Louie Gohmert who will discuss President Obama’s gun townhall this Thursday, Saudi Arabia cutting ties with Iran and ISIS’ new heinous actions.
In the second hour, New Testament scholar, apologist, and sought-after speaker Dr. Jeremiah Johnston tells us about his book, Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions.
Monday, January 4, 2016
On Point of View today, Kerby chats with Brad Hewitt CEO of Thrivent Financial about his book, Your New Money Mindset: Create a Healthy Relationship with Money.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year from Kerby and the staff at Point of View. Joining Kerby in the first hour today is Joel C. Rosenberg, New York Times bestselling author of eight novels and five nonfiction books. He’ll tell us more about his latest book, The Third Target.
In the second hour we hear from columnist and editor for the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens joins us to talk about his book, America in Retreat.
Thursday, December 31 , 2015
Today, Kerby is joined by Penna Dexter, Col. Allen West and Debbie Georgatos. As we bid 2015 adieu, they will look at the top stories that made the news this year and give you their point of view. Kelly Shackelford will join us for a segment later in the show.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Today on Point of View Kerby will chat about the top issues in the news this year, all the top stories that shook our world, took us by surprise and even the ones we saw coming. We will be taking your questions and comments so please feel free to join the conversation by calling us on 800-351-1212.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Today, on Point of View, Kerby is joined by Ambassador Francis Rooney who served as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See under George W. Bush from 2005 to 2008. He tells us more about his article, Is this War yet?
Monday, December 28, 2015
Joe Battaglia, Founder and President of Renaissance Communications, joins Kerby to open the show. They will be talking about Joe’s book,The Politically Incorrect Jesus: Living Boldly in a Culture of Unbelief. Kerby is then joined first by David Skeel who is the S. Samuel Arsht Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Pennsylvania. He will be chatting about his book, True Paradox: How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas from Kerby Anderson and the team at Point of View! We hope that you will enjoy this encore presentation.
On the show today, Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis joins Kerby to talk about his book, War on Christmas. We’ll also talk about The Christmas Candle, a new family movie Christmas classic.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
On Point of View today Kerby will be chatting with David Brickner, CEO of San Francisco based ministry, Jews for Jesus. David having just returned from Israel will talk about what the Lord is doing there, even in the midst of the unrest, the openness of especially Israeli young people to the gospel, the challenges being faced by believers both Arab and Jewish. He will tell stories of salvation and stories of opposition. He will also give an update on the legal case that is going to the Israeli supreme court over whether non-Israelis are allowed to share the gospel in Israel. Later in the show, Kerby will chat with New York Times bestselling author and lead Pastor of National Community Church, Mark Batterson. Mark will chat about his book, The Grave Robber.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Ron Kelley, Executive Director of the Prestonwood Foundation, joins Kerby in studio to talk about Ron’s leadership of the Cultural Impact Team at Prestonwood Baptist in Plano, Texas. They’ll talk about what churches can do to educate their congregations about social and political issues. Kerby speaks with Dr. Ted Baehr in the second hour with recap of holiday films.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The show kicks off with Kerby talking with Tim Winter, President of Parents Television Council, about the highs and lows of TV in 2015. In the second we opened the phone lines for Open-Line POV!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Kerby opens the show taking your calls about the Democrat Presidential Debate held on Saturday night. Michael Kendrick, President and CEO of Kendrick Capital Management, joins in the second hour talking about his book Your Blueprint for Life: How to Align Your Passion, Gifts, and Calling with Eternity in Mind.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Friday means it’s time for the Weekend Edition. Joining Kerby at the round-table today is Penna Dexter, Kelly Shackelford and Allen West. Together they will look at the top stories in the news this week and give you their feedback. You may join the conversation by calling 800-351-1212.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Join Kerby as he talks with author Michael Novak about Michael’s book “Social Justice Isn’t What you Think It Is”. In the second hour Curt Thompson joins the shows talking about his book “The Soul of Shame”.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Today on Point of View Kerby will do a roundup of last night’s GOP debate. Join the conversation and share your thoughts, comments or questions, call us at 800-351-1212.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The first hour of today’s show is an open line, you may join the conversation by calling us at 800-351-1212.
In the second hour Kerby welcomes author, Bible teacher and pastor, Skip Heitzig. He discusses his book, Defying Normal: Soaring Above the Status Quo.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Our first guest on the show today is Jonathan Imbody, author and director of Freedom to Care. He also serves as vice president for Government Relations and directs the Christian Medical Association’s Washington office. He tells us bout his book, Faith Steps: Moving toward God through Personal Choice and Public Policy.
Our second hour guests are Phil and Kay Robertson from the Ducky Dynasty fame. They tell us more about their new book, Exploring the Joy of Christmas: A Duck Commander Faith and Family Field Guide.
In the final hour of the show we are joined by author, John D. Wilsey who discusses his book, American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion: Reassessing the History of an Idea.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Happy Friday and welcome to our Weekend Edition show. Joining Kerby around the table today is Penna Dexter and Liberty Institute’s, Kelly Shackelford. Together they will look at the top stories in the news this week and give you their feedback. You may join the conversation by calling 800-351-1212.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
On Point of View today the first hour is an open line, you may join the conversation by calling us at 800-351-1212.
Our second hour guest is Preston Sprinkle, vice president at Eternity Bible College’s Boise campus. He discusses his book, Living in a Gray World: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Understanding Homosexuality.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The first hour of today’s show is an open line, you can join the conversation by calling us at 800-351-1212.
In the second hour we hear Pastor Gregg Matte, he discusses his book, Unstoppable Gospel: Living Out the World-Changing Vision of Jesus’s First Followers. In his book he calls readers to take up the task of the early church and go change the world.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
In the first hour today Penna Dexter chats with Fox & Friends’ Brian Kilmeade about his book, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War that Changed American History.
In the second hour, author and speaker, Jeff Anderson joins us to talk about his book, Divine Applause: Secrets and Rewards of Walking with an Invisible God.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Today on Point of View Kerby is joined by Pastor Lewis Hogan Founder of DC Cry and Doug Stringer from Somebody Cares International, both men will share about DC Cry, a pastor led call to reclaim America’s future.
In the second hour we hear from author and evangelist, Alex McFarland. He discusses his book, The God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths About Christianity.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Welcome to our Weekend Edition Show. Joining Kerby around the table today are Penna Dexter and Liberty Institute’s Michael Berry. Together they will look at the top stories in the news this week and give you their feedback. Also joining them for a short segment is Cathie Adams, president of Texas Eagle Forum.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
In the first hour Kerby will discuss yesterday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. Join the conversation, call us 800-351-1212.
In the second hour we hear from Robert Curry about his latest book, Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American Idea.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Today on Point of View Kerby welcomes Scott Lamb who serves as the Executive Director of the Presbyterian Lay Committee and the President of Reformation Press in Nashville, Tennessee. Scott discusses his book, Huckabee: The Authorized Biography.
Our second hour guest is O.S. Hawkins, president of Guidestone Financial Resources, he tells us about his book, The James Code: 52 Scripture Principles for Putting Your Faith Into Action.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Join us today for an open line in the first hour of the show. Call 800-351-1212 to join the conversation.
In the first segment of the second hour we hear from Tracy Frank, executive director of Hope Pregnancy Center. She tells us more about her organization’s purchasing and repurposing of a former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.
In the final segment of the show we will continue and finish our conversation from yesterday with James Rosen, regarding his book, Cheney One on One: A Candid Conversation with America’s Most Controversial Statesman.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Our first hour guest is New York Times bestselling author, and the filmmaker behind the hit documentaries America and 2016: Obama’s America, Dinesh D’Souza. He discuss his new book, Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party.
In the second segment, we hear from president and CEO of Christian Care Ministry, Tony Meggs. he tells us about his organization and its mission to help Christians live a healthy, biblical lifestyle. If you have questions for Tony Meggs, please call 1-800-Psalm23.
In the last segment we hear from James Rosen, chief Washington correspondent for Fox News. He tells us more about his book, Cheney One on One: A Candid Conversation with America’s Most Controversial Statesman.
Friday, November 27, 2015
On Point of View today we will be discussing two very important issues to the Christian experience, that of marriage and God’s will for our lives. In the first hour, Gary Thomas, a bestselling author and international speaker will be chatting about his new book, A Lifelong Love.
In the second hour, our guest is author and speaker, Johnnie Moore. Johnnie will be talking about his book, What am I supposed to do with My Life.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving from Kerby and all of us at Point of View.
Today on Point of View, in the first hour an evangelical historian teaches us how to think critically about the heroes of our past. Robert Tracy McKenzie, Professor of History at Wheaton College tells us about his book, The First Thanksgiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God and Learning from History.
In the second hour, Pastor Matt Chandler, lead teaching pastor of The Village Church in Dallas and President of the Acts 29 Network joins us to talk about his book, The Mingling of Souls: God’s Design For Love, Sex, Marriage & Redemption.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
On the show today, Kerby chats with Mark Strauss, professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary in San Diego. Strauss discusses his book, Jesus Behaving Badly: The Puzzling Paradoxes of the Man from Galilee.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Today, on Point of View, Kerby welcomes Craig Groeschel, senior pastor and founder of Life.Church, he tells us about his new book, #Struggles: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World.
In the second hour we hear from New York Times bestselling author, Mark Batterson, he tells us more about his new book, If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God’s What If Possibilities
Monday, November 23, 2015
On the show today we hear from Dr. John Trent president and founder of StrongFamilies.com. He discusses his books 30 Ways a Husband can Bless his Wife and 30 Ways a Mother can Bless her Children.
In the second hour we hear from well-known editor, writer and public speaker with a distinguished career in American journalism. Ed Klein tells us more about his new book, Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Happy Friday and welcome to our Weekend Edition show. Today Kerby is joined by Penna Dexter and Liberty Institute’s Jeremy Dys. They will discuss all the top stories in the news this week and give your their point of view. Join the conversation and share your comments or ask your questions by calling 800-351-1212.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
On Point of View today, Kerby welcomes Stephen Knott and Tony Williams, authors of the book, Washington and Hamilton: The Alliance That Forged America. They tell us about the unlikely alliance between two very different individuals and how they laid the groundwork for the institutions that govern the United States to this day
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
David Limbaugh, conservative American political commentator and author joins Kerby in the first hour to discuss his book, The Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament.
In the second hour, we hear from Faith McDonnell, director of Religious Liberty Programs and of the Church Alliance for a New Sudan joins us to talk about her recent article about Christian refugees from Syria who can’t get asylum in the U.S.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
On Point of View today, the first hour is an open line. You may join the conversation by calling 800-351-1212.
In the second hour we hear from David Kupelian, award-winning journalist, vice president and managing editor of WND. He discusses his book, The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture.
Monday, November 16, 2015
We welcome Kerby back to the show today. In the first hour we will have an open line where you can share your questions and comments regarding the GOP Presidential Debate.
In the second hour, we hear from John Whitehead, attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. He discusses what the Presidential Candidates won’t talk about.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Welcome to our Weekend Edition Show. Penna Dexter will be your host today and she will be joined by Debbie Georgatos. Together they will take a look at the top stories in the news this week, the presidential debate and give you their point of view.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
On Point of View today, Kerby is joined by Dr. David Geisler who will be talking about his book, Conversational Evangelism. In the second hour our guest is Robert Spencer. He will be chatting about his book, Did Muhammad Exist?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
The show today is hosted by Penna Dexter. Our first guest, founder and president Betty Hanks, joins us in-studio and tells us more about Realizing True Hope Ministries which is a ministry that ministers to people who have experienced sexual abuse. In the second hour we hear from Ray Moore (Chaplain, Lt. Col. USAR Ret.), he tells us about a new documentary, Escaping Common Core.
In the final segment, we will hear from Karen England from Capitol Resource Center, she will give us an update on the California Bathroom Bill.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Penna Dexter is the host of today’s show. In this first segment we hear from Dr. Allen Unruh, he sheds light on on the Planned Parenthood lawsuit and the South Dakota abortion law. In the second segment we hear from Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values, he tells us about the Houston Bathroom Bill.
The second hour of the show today is dedicated to prayer with emphasis on how we can pray for our nation, Lisa Holmes joins us in studio and tell us more about Praying Two by Two and how prayer can change the world. In the final segment we hear from Lea Carawan, director of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, she warns that the separation of church and state is part of a liberal plan to “ruin America” and will be “the death knell for our nation.”
Monday, November 9, 2015
Today on Point of View, in the first hour Kerby opens the phones for an Open-Line POV.
In the second hour, the Gingrichs join us. Newt Gingrich who tells us more about his new political thriller novel, Duplicity. Callista Gingrich also joins us to discuss her new children’s book, Christmas in America.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Happy Friday and welcome to our Weekend Edition Show. Joining Kerby in the studio today are Penna Dexter and Kelly Shackelford. They will look at the top stories in the news this week and give you their feedback.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Joining Kerby in-studio in the first hour of today’s show is Jerry Tuma, founder and president of Cornerstone Financial Services. He will discuss issues relating to finance and economics.
In the second hour we hear from Congressman Louie Gohmert who will discuss congressional issues, Israel and the Middle East.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
In the first hour, Kerby welcomes Senior Fellow for the American Civil Rights Union, Robert Knight to the show today. Robert Knight is a regular weekly columnist for The Washington Times, Townhall.com, and others. He discusses the Gay Agenda.
In the second hour, Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, which is one of the largest seminaries in the world. He is the author of a number of books, including his newest, We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong. Dr. Mohler will tell us more about his new book.